Sunday, October 9, 2011

Its Hard Out Here...when nutrition will never be a class you take

college girls pizza 300x199 Healthy Eating Tips For Busy College Student
Being a freshman journalism major, I have been taking the very first of my core classes and well, they aren't exactly designed around what I'm most interested in. A lot of people tell me that I should be an exercise science major because of my love for physical health, but I know that my true love falls in the art of communicating physical health to others around me who may otherwise never have the time or desire to learn about it. A friend of mine who is an exercise science major recently told me about a nutrition seminar led by one of our campus's head dietitians, and an infinite wealth of knowledge. You can find her contact information and others like her through the campus wellness link on the main university website. I found out so many helpful things at this seminar! It felt like I had taken an entire nutrition course in about two hours, and walked out feeling more ready than ever to take on Carolina Dining's menu. Below is a list that was given to me at the seminar containing information that is as good as gold to this girl and I hope of some relative value to those of you trying to avoid the freshman fifteen or just maintain optimal physical health.

Top 10 Healthiest Options On Campus

1. Chickefila: grilled chicken sandwich with either fruit cup or side salad (low-fat dressing on the side), grilled chicken wrap, grilled chicken salads with low fat dressing

2. Salad bar with grilled chicken/chick peas, low-fat dressing/vinaigrette

3. Santorini's: chicken gyro, side of veggies, grilled chicken breast

4. Pizza Hut: personal pan cheese pizza, meaty marinara pasta

5. Burger King: veggie burger (have to ask for them)

6. Plan-it Healthy: lean meat, whole grain and a vegetable

7. Hot food bar: grilled chicken breast (or some other lean meat), 1-2 vegetables and/or starch)

8. Einstein's: bagel thin sandwich, fruit cup (split in two), whole wheat bagel w/peanut butter (go easy on the pb), broth based soups

9. Colloquium: 1/2 broth based soup, 1/2 salad, 1/2 sandwich (not panini)

10. Horseshoe deli: turkey or ham on wheat bread with mustard or oil and vinegar, vegetables with fruit on the side

After reading this list, I was surprised at what was considered healthy, and pretty excited about going to Pizza Hut for the first time! (I always thought it was off limits) I would love to know how the class feels about these options and whether or not you guys feel like there are enough of them. Because at the end of the day, without enough options and convenience, we college students can't help but steer towards unhealthy meals that lack the nutrients we need to maintain clear minds, healthy systems and nice physiques! Is USC an easy place to be healthy, or are they making it even harder for a college student?

here's another helpful link that gives a synopsis of nutrition fit for a college student's schedule:

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